5 posts I liked this week (2/2/14 – 9/2/14)

picture by @doug88888 on flickr (http://www.flickr.com/photos/doug88888/)

picture by @doug88888 on flickr (http://www.flickr.com/photos/doug88888/)

1) Mind Mapping for Career Exploration and Research using the four Rs.

I’ve been enjoying getting in to Leigh’s blog recently. I particularly enjoyed this article. I found it interesting to think of different ways to work with clients and give them tools to go away and try for themselves.



2) Pericles Lewis: a humanities education produces truly creative leaders

I studied a humanities subject at University (History) and currently am linked to the Humanities faculty at Derby Uni so I have a keen interest in the value of humanities. This is a good wide ranging article on HE humanities. I was particularly struck by the following quote,

“The humanities address questions about what it means to be human: how should I live my life? What is justice? How did we become who we are? What makes a person human? Those are essential and eternal questions and the best research illuminates them.”



3) The Learning Designer app for teachers

This looks like a great project and well worth checking out especially for integrating technology into learning activities. I am really keen to get a bit more stuck in to using this over the summer when I have more time.



4) Creativity becomes an academic discipline

I’m currently reading Ken Robinson’s book Out of Our Minds so I was interested in reading this. I am feeling gradually convinced by the importance of creativity in education and the work place so this article was good food for thought.


5) Six trends that will accelerate the adoption of technology in higher education

These are all really good points, I feel as a careers professional I engage with 1) and 2) but not any of the others really which is a bit worrying, Good food for thought.


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